We have all told a lie, whether it be a little white lie or a big, monster lie, we have all done it. If you are reading this and saying you have never told a lie, well you are now lying to yourself which means you have officially told a lie now, so congratulations! Welcome to the dark side!

However, do we all tell the same lies? A recent survey was done in the U.K. by MTV which not only revealed how often people lie, which by the way seems really low at only an average of 48 times per year, but also revealed the most common lies we all tell. Below is the Top 10 Most Common Lies we all tell... how many have you told?

1.  That everything is fine.

2.  That you liked a gift you didn't really like.

3.  That you're too busy to do something.

4.  That you were late because you were stuck in traffic.

5.  Saying you're on your way when you haven't left yet.

6.  Lying about why you were late to work.

7.  When you're drunk, adamantly telling everyone you're not drunk. I don't know if this is a lie or just drunken stupidity? (Also, picture above is proof)

8.  Saying you already cleaned the house, even though you haven't.  Common among kids... not that I would know or anything.

9.  Lying about your age.

10.  Lying about how many people you've slept with. This is one you really shouldn't lie about.

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