I love what I do for a living, but sometimes I stumble across a job posting that sounds like the perfect career path.

I found a job posting from the Mondelez International headquarters in Great Britain. They are looking to hire a few a chocolate tasters (web). If you're not familiar with Mondelez, they are the people behind some of the planet's most famous sweet-treat brands like Cadbury and Oreo.

How would you like to get paid to eat chocolate?


Some of the key responsibilities include (as per their web site)...

  • Be able to taste chocolate and cocoa beverage products and give objective and honest feedback. I can do that.
  • Work within a team of panelists to share opinions and collaborate to reach an agreement on taste. I'm not sure I want to share the chocolate, but I can adapt.
  • Use a clearly defined vocabulary to describe products and aid in the discrimination between products. I can't guarantee that you'll hear me with all that sweet goodness shoved in my mouth.

I also understand that no 'college education or previous experience' is required. I'm not sure how you could demonstrate any 'experience' in this field. Was there a college course I missed?

That being said, I think my body demonstrates that I do in fact know how to eat. I've been perfecting this look for decades.

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