"Dancing Cow Day" or "Organic Cow Day" is apparently a national holiday of sorts in Denmark. It's the day when organic cows that have been cooped up all winter long are let out of the barn for the first time in the spring to graze on the green pastures.

In Denmark, organic cows are required to be put out to pasture from April to November. Watching the cows run out of the barn and play will put an instant smile on your face. It's been reported that over 270,000 people showed up for this years event. Check out a video of the event here.

Sidste Økodag-post i denne omgang. Måske :) Vi og køerne havde en fantastisk dag! Hvad var det bedste, du oplevede på Økodag i går?

Posted by Arla Danmark on Monday, April 20, 2015


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